Road accidents are the most common cause of head injuries. We are specialists in handling road traffic accident claims, but we deal with all types of head injury claims, however they are caused.
Department of Transport figures show that almost 250,000 people suffer injuries from road traffic accidents each year.
Almost 30,000 of those injuries are classified as serious.
A large proportion of these serious injuries tend to be head injuries, because of the nature and mechanics of vehicles and the collisions involving them.
We have a specific expertise in bringing head injury claims and addressing the unique issues that they raise. Very often rehabilitation and securing the injured person’s future wellbeing is as important as the compensation won in the claim.
If you suffer a head injury in an accident which was not your fault, it is very likely that you will be able to make a claim for compensation.
We have successfully run countless head injury claims.
In road accident aquired head injury cases remember; road users are under a duty to abide by traffic legislation and practice and motor vehicles have to carry insurance.
It is usually quite simple to work out which road user is at fault and if you are in any doubt try our free case evaluation.
Even in uninsured road traffic accident scenarios and hit and run cases it is still possible to claim.
Request a call back now to see if you can claim serious head injury compensation.