Amputee Compensation Claims

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In very serious accidents injuries might be sustained that result in an amputation being necessary. If someone else caused you injuries then you might have a claim.

Many of these cases arise as a result of accidents at work, but can also result from other accidents such as a serious road traffic accidents, using faulty products or from acts of clinical/medical negligence.

When injuries like this are sustained, the effects can be extreme both in terms of the physical and emotional impact of the amputation and future prognosis and with regard to the financial and practical  implications of coping afterwards.

We have many years experience of dealing with such cases and understand the issues that result from such traumatic injuries.

We have the experience and knowledge to ensure that you receive the support you need following the accident to help you work towards a recovery and achieve the maximum fair compensation.

It is free to call us and have a chat about your potential claim with no obligation. We offer a no win no fee service, so please just call John or Rebecca on 0113 3571165, or send us a few details on our free case evaluation form and then we will call you.

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