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Alarming times for those needing to rely on the law

Afternoon all, John here blogging again.

I thought I’d give a bit of a wider view of the legal world than usual and comment upon the landscape as it looks from here, as a solicitor in practice doing my best for my clients.

I’m not sure many folk will be too upset, but these are very poor times for lawyers and our clients. The last couple of years have brought caustic change after caustic change to the law. What perhaps won’t be appreciated is that this is very bad news for the ordinary guy/girl in the street. The rights of individuals and their access to justice are being eroded at an alarming rate – all in favour of the rights and demands of big corporations and those close to Westminster’s ear – those with enough clout to get close enough.

For example (and to paraphrase a well-known speaker in the field, Kerry Underwood, who I must credit) consider these developments:

Civil Legal aid is abolished

Employment claims are down almost 80% due to unaffordable fees

Recoverable costs from fat cat defendants in personal injury are slashed

Court fees are about to treble in some cases making court cases unaffordable too

Judicial Review is to be slashed

Criminal lawyers are on strike

The Court of Appeal rules (in the famous Mitchell case (plebgate) and the ones that followed) that the efficiency of the State comes before Justice – that alone is a shocker, so just re-read that sentence!

This is all very alarming and a lot of senior and respected commentators, including judges on the quiet, feel that we risk losing much of what has been achieved in the 800 years since Magna Charta.

All of these changes are bad news and threat for hard pressed individuals, for whom the protection of the law has until now been a comfort and a right. Note also that several of these changes mean that the rich who can still afford the higher fees have greater access to justice. That alone is another shocking point.

We are still here fighting for the little guy and for those who have claims and have been injured through no fault of their own. The playing field has been doctored cruelly and the goal posts shifted, but with committed and talented lawyers behind you justice can still, just about, be found.

If you have had any kind of accident and want to find out if you might have a claim, give us a call or click on the case evaluation button below.

That’s all for now,


Ibbotson Brady Solicitors Limited
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